When darkness breads on innocent souls, it grows and blossoms within.
Writer & Director : Aya Bassiouni
coming soon
Claire has never moved on from the loss of her brother, Jack. He disappeared when he was just 6 years old, never to be found. 
On his memorial day after more than a decade on his disappearance, Claire dug a grave in the forest that is surrounding her house, it’s left empty, and the purpose of it remains a mystery. 
The lonesome tranquility of nature itself seemed to sour around her as her father’s unstable presence grew near - he’s returning for Jack’s memorial.
She is trying to forgive her father’s abuse to her and Jack, when they were young. Claire’s suppressed anger is eating her alive, like a ticking bomb that is about to explode at anytime in the course of the dinner. The tension unfolds between Thomson (the father) and Claire, and the atmosphere becomes hostile.  
All resulting in an ill-fate.
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